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(Excluding 50 litre pots and above or trees over 3.50m tall (inc the pot),

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Eucalyptus pauciflora ssp. pauciflora ‘Mount Buffalo’ – Mount Buffalo Snow Gum – 1 of our absolute favourites


The Mount Buffalo Snow Gum – Rare, slow growing and dwarf. A beautiful, very hardy Snow Gum from… you guessed it ..Mount Buffalo, growing naturally to around 5-6m tall if unpruned; can be kept shorter

Why we like this variety:-

  • Beautiful bark, white with tones of olive, pearl and caramel
  • Fabulous foliage – cuts quite a dash!
  • Excellent for winter gardens and coastal locations
  • Great in large patio planters


Sizes quoted are approximate height bands of the tree above compost level, ie. height of tree once planted into the ground.
N.B. Photographs shown are typical representatives of the varieties we grow, Please contact us if you require a photograph of a particular tree.
Also, Eucalyptus are living plants and can grow almost all year round, occasionally we may supply you with a plant that is slightly taller than your order. If this might cause you problems, please include a note with your order.

Click the dropdown below to view our different sizes & prices.



The Mount Buffalo Snow Gum – Eucalyptus pauciflora ssp. pauciflora ‘Mount Buffalo’

One of our absolute favourites; we do like a nice ‘Buffalo’!  This little tree (its a dwarf) has quite a big personality worthy of many a garden with free-draining soil.  Big boxy juvenile foliage. The new growth in May is the most amazing translucent burgundy wine-red colour – like stained-glass windows.

If you have swampy clay soils like us – then find room to grow a Buffalo in a container.

Buffalos are very happy when grown in Airpot containers sat in a large ornamental pot.

Click here to see our Guidance Notes on how to successfully grow Eucs in pots.

To learn how this beauty can be best deployed in your landscape or garden – hop across to the tab labelled ‘How to Use’.

To find out about the likes and dislikes of the Mount Buffalo Snow Gum – visit the tab labelled ‘Planting Position and Soil’

At Grafton, we mound plant our snow gums, to keep the collar up out of the damp ground in winter and so far this appears to be working quite well.

We have also found it possible to grow Snow Gums on our swampy yellow clay where we surround them with Swamp Gums such as E. aggregata, E. rodwayi and E. stellulata. They suck up the water with their shallow roots systems and keep the Snow Gum in the middle happy!

Biometrics for Mount Buffalo Snow Gum

Shoots ‘n Leaves: Very ornamental foliage.  Young shoots are very flexible, burgundy to tawny port coloured (covered in white wax – glaucous), with large bright golden buds – very striking.

Juvenile leaves are Striking french blue, leathery, large, rounded to egg-shaped, quite unlike the lanceolate form of straight E. pauciflora.

Adult leaves Elongated, more lanceolate – scythe shaped

Bark: One of the best features of the Mount Buffalo Snow Gum. Begins blue/lime green, becoming beautifully patterned with age. Smooth pale silvery grey to pure pearl white with an additional mosaic of cinnamon, cream, olive and pewter, which shreds in ribbons from both the trunk and branches.

Flowers: Fluffy and white.

Leaf Aroma: Typical eucalyptol aroma, but like most snow gums – fragrance is not intense. These high-mountain gums don’t require a great deal of pest-repelling eucalyptol.

Rate of Growth: Slow to moderate for a Eucalyptus, which is still quite fast in normal terms of reference. About 1.0-1.2m per year.

Height in maturity, if left unpruned:   after about 15-20 years, the Mount Buffalo Snow Gum could reach approximately 5-6 m, less if pruned to keep bushy.  E. pauci. subsp. Mt Buffalo can be pruned every spring (March 18th is National Eucalyptus Day), if required; cut back the shoots to a fat healthy bud. If desired, you can prune off 50% of new growth at the end of May, to maintain a more compact size.

Click here to visit our Guidance Notes on pruning

Unless you are growing for cut foliage, please refrain from voluntarily electing to prune your Eucalyptus from August through to February; it can kill it.

To receive monthly pruning and aftercare advice, sign up to our Gumnut Club – its free and you can unsubscribe at any time.  To subscribe – just call or ping us an email to [email protected]

Click here to visit our pruning video

Hardiness: Good hardiness rating, root-system should be happy down to around -18°C, once mature.  This is one of the hardiest of all Eucalyptus!

Hardiness in Eucalyptus is governed by

  • provenance of seed (all our seed is sourced from frosty or cold locations)
  • how it is grown (i.e. high nitrogen levels reduces cold tolerance),
  • the age of the tree – the older your tree, the hardier it will be. Younger Eucs are more susceptible to frost damage.
  • how long it has been planted in the ground. The deeper you can encourage the rooting by digging a deep planting pit at the time of installation, the quicker your tree will establish and you will increase its ability to survive cold winters. See our planting notes for more details.

Click here to learn more on how to help your Euc become more hardy and stress-free

Additional information

Weight 4 kg
Dimensions 150 × 30 × 30 cm

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Planting Position and Soil

Eucalyptus pauciflora ssp. pauciflora ‘Mount Buffalo’ – Mt Buffalo Snow Gum


  • Sun: Enjoys full sun and open sky above. Avoid shade cast by other tall trees and buildings.
  • Soil type: Happy in a wide range of soils including those that are alkaline, but performs best on those which are acid to neutral and of average fertility.  It does not need rich fertile soil, but does require very good drainage; after all, it is used to growing on rocky outcrops in the wild.
  • Soil moisture levels: Sadly, not one for wet clay soils. ‘Buffalo’ is very happy growing in cooler climates like the UK, but can persuaded to grow in hotter countries, given sufficient water during the summer.
  • Requires a free draining soil in winter, hates having wet feet.  However, water well during the summer, for 2 growing seasons, to ensure your tree establishes well.
  • Environment: Good in exposed locations once established and does best in gardens which are not too humid.  A good choice of species for coastal planting, being able to thrive in salt-laden, windy locations.  E. pauci. subsp. pauciflora ‘Mt Buffalo’ has a fine root system and particularly benefits from the introduction of Rootgrow to help it establish at the time of planting out.


  • If planting a large number for firewood or cut foliage, subsoiling may be a good practice to follow, especially if pastureland has previously been used by livestock.
  • For the best results, follow our planting and aftercare watering instructions, issued with every order; they can also be found under the Help and Advice tab on this website.
  • Improve poor soils with our planting kit, at the time of planting.
  • To encourage deep rooting and therefore good stability, prepare a deep planting pit as per our instructions.
  • Ensure there is no competition from weeds or grass around the base of the young tree as this will seriously cramp its style and slow down establishment. Our research has found that grass around the trunks of newly planted Eucalypts can completely stop them from growing and may lead to failure
  • Make life easier for you and your new tree: Plant with the mycorrhizal fungi product Rootgrow.  Eucalyptus in particular have a special, lifelong relationship with their root fungi, the latter of which actively transport food and water directly into the tree roots, helping your new Euc establish faster and more efficiently, particularly in challenging types of soil.

How to Use

Eucalyptus pauciflora ssp. pauciflora ‘Mount Buffalo’ – Mt Buffalo Snow Gum

How to use in the landscape and/or garden: How to grow or train it to get the best out of it

Rare and special Snow gum selection from a tiny area on Mount Buffalo, Australia. This handsome Eucalyptus looks more like a dwarf version of E. pauci subsp. debeuzevillei. ‘Buffalo’ can be grown as a standard or multi-stemmed tree with a bushy habit.  The large, boxy and blue juvenile leaves make quite a statement and ultimately give way to typical scythe shaped adult foliage on springy branches; which are designed to shed snow…… if we ever have any.

 Fabulous Specimen Tree for the wider landscape, arboretum collection or avenue planting if grown as a standard and for the smaller, medium and larger garden on free draining soil. No winter-wet feet here please!

 Growing a full-sized standard: planting the tree and running away is an option, but it won’t necessarily give you the best results.

We suggest you maintain a leading shoot and tip prune the lateral shoots to encourage bushiness.  Keep all the sides shoots as they are building up the strength of the main trunk. ‘Buffalo’ is naturally dwarf and won’t require a great deal of pruning to keep it in great shape.

Prune the tree every March 18th and tip-prune annual shoots at the end of May to keep your tree small and bushy.

For more, see our guidance notes for growing specimen Eucalyptus in our Help and Advice section.

For monthly emails on how and when to prune and care for your Eucalyptus, sign up to our Gumnut Club and we’ll send you the Bush Telegraph – it’s totally free and you can unsubscribe at any time.

Growing shrub-on-a-stick clipped standard: this is an opportunity to grow a Eucalyptus in a confined space like a courtyard and also control its overall size. You can produce a small tree on a trunk with a height of anywhere between 2.4m (8ft) and 4m (12ft). Prune back growth every March 18th or thereabouts and tip prune the annual growth back by up to 90% at the end of May. Light tip pruning can be done again during July, but no later. Don’t prune from August through to February.

Growing a multi-stemmed bush or tree. Naturally dwarf E. pauci. subsp. pauciflora ‘Mt Buffalo’ readily produces a multi-stemmed specimen.  For a pre-trained multi-stemmed tree, keep pruning the leading shoots every March 18th to keep them in balance until the multi-trunked tree has established itself.

Why would you want to do this?

To create:

  • a tree with more body or ‘mass’ of branches and foliage for screening purposes. Once grown back up to its full potential, it will now have several main trunks
  • an attractive multi-stemmed architectural tree, especially if it has exceptional bark
  • to control height, whereby your Euc can be usefully maintained anywhere between 2.4m (8ft) and 7m (20ft).

REMEMBER: No grass, no weeds and a thick boring bark chip mulch, to a depth of 150 mm (6 inches) are essential to assist with good establishment. Our research trials have demonstrated that grass around the trunk of Eucalyptus prevent the trees from quickly establishing and can completely stop them from growing.

 Pot Culture outdoors:  E. pauci. subsp. pauciflora ‘Mt Buffalo’ is an excellent choice for growing as a multi-stemmed shrub in a container.  Good all-year-round features, beautiful foliage and compact bushy habit. Pot on at the recommended intervals and to supply it with sufficient water and food during the growing season.

Always keep pot grown Eucalyptus in the air-pot container system for healthy and happy trees.

For information on how to successfully grow Eucs in pots, visit our Blog entitled ‘How to grow a Eucalyptus in a pot and keep it alive!’

Hedge-Screens:  E. pauci. subsp. pauciflora ‘Mt Buffalo’  is not on our selected species list for hedge-screens and windbreaks in the traditional sense. However, ‘Buffalo’ would be a good choice to establish a loose, billowy windbreak in a coastal setting.

Always prune your hedge-screen March 18th and maintain a profile like a capital ‘A’.  That is broad bottom, narrow shoulders and a flat head.  This allows light to all parts of the hedge and keeps it bushy.  If you let your hedge develop into the shape of a capital ‘V’, its bottom will open up…not a great look!


Floral Art:  E. pauci. subsp. pauciflora ‘Mt Buffalo’ is not on our ‘Cut foliage’ list, but I see no reason why you could not use the odd branch in a vase of flowers

Firewood Production:  E. pauci. subsp. pauciflora ‘Mt Buffalo’  is not on our selected species list for Biomass or Firewood.  The wood will burn well, but it’s a dwarf species and Snow gums are generally not sufficiently productive for log production.

Do give us a call on our nursery mobile 07307 413 052 if you would like to discuss growing firewood with one of our consultants


Silvo Pasture: ‘Buffalo’ would not be my first choice recommended for this job, due to its compact nature and requirement for free draining soil.


  • All Eucalyptus produce flowers with nectar and pollen, and ‘Buffalo’ provides useful flowers for foraging honey-bees and other pollinating insects


  • Growing on the Coast Snow gums have extra-thick leaf cuticles, which make them extremely tolerant of cold exposed conditions and salt laden winds, once mature in the ground. To make this work, we recommend that:
  1. you plant a smaller multi-stemmed specimen (5 litre, around 1m-1.2m tall)
  2. encourage fast establishment in a deeply prepared planting pit (follow our planting advice), to encourage deep rooting to grow an upright, stable tree.
  3. Staking will be required.
  4. Newly planted trees will very likely require a wind break shelter for their first winter in the ground with you.
  5. Zero grass or weeds during the period of establishment is non-negotiable!


  • Shelter Belts and Windbreaks pauci. subsp. pauciflora ‘Mt Buffalo’  is not on our selected species list for hedge-screens and windbreaks in the traditional sense. However, ‘Buffalo’ would be a good choice to establish a loose, billowy windbreak in a coastal setting.
  • E. pauci. subsp. pauciflora ‘Mt Buffalo’  can be grown to form a good evergreen windbreak when planted as a single species stand on free-draining soils.  It can be mixed in with other plant species provided care is taken to mitigate competition from other plants whilst the Eucalyptus is establishing as they don’t compete well when young. We recommend that you establish the Eucalyptus for a year prior to planting additional species or you install an automatic irrigation system to ensure the Euc is receiving sufficient water, during the summer months. However, this snow gum doesn’t want to have winter-wet feet.

We recommend

  1. you plant a smaller multi-stemmed specimen (less than 1.2m tall in a 5 litre air-pot)
  2. encourage fast establishment in a deeply prepared planting pit (follow our planting advice), to encourage deep rooting to grow an upright, stable tree
  3. Staking will be required
  4. In exposed locations, newly planted trees will very likely require a wind break shelter for their first winter in the ground with you
  5. Zero grass or weeds during the period of establishment is non-negotiable!


  • Drying up wet soils pauci. subsp. pauciflora ‘Mt Buffalo’ is a snow gum and will not enjoy wet soils
  • Tolerant of cold and exposed growing environments inland pauci. subsp. pauciflora ‘Mt Buffalo’ will grow in open fields and free-draining pastures, once established.

We recommend

  1. you plant a smaller multi-stemmed specimen (less than 1.2m tall in a 5 litre air-pot)
  2. encourage fast establishment in a deeply prepared planting pit (follow our planting advice), to encourage deep rooting to grow an upright, stable tree
  3. Staking will be required
  4. In exposed locations, newly planted trees will very likely require a wind break shelter made from horticultural fleece or sail cloth, for their first winter in the ground with you; this very much depends on the level of exposure
  5. Zero grass or weeds during the period of establishment is non-negotiable!


  • Tolerant of poor stony soils once established pauci. subsp. pauciflora ‘Mt Buffalo’ does not require a rich soil and can survive in poor, stony soils and arid environments once established.   It is essential that your Euc. is given our recommended quantity of water for its first 2 growing seasons in your grounds, during its establishment phase before you abandon it to its fate.  The tree needs to establish a good, deep root system before it can survive in dry, challenging conditions.

No grass, no weeds and a thick bark chip mulch, to a depth of 150 mm (6 inches) are essential to assist with good establishment. Growth on impoverished soils will always be reduced.


Nursery Notes and Trivia

Summer 2023

Available in air-pot sizes

  • 5 litre as young trees and multi-stemmed bushes
  • 30 litre multi-stemmed bushes are available. Due to the size of these trees, they cannot be dispatched in a box via courier!  They can be collected from our nursery or delivered via the Palletways network. To provide a price we will require your delivery postcode to obtain a quote for you.
  • 100 litre large multi-stemmed specimens will be available again late summer

Botanical Name: Eucalyptus pauciflora subsp. pauciflora ‘Mt. Buffalo’

MYRTACEÆ; Myrtle Family

Common Name: Mount Buffalo Snow Gum

Status: Evergreen Tree

Origin: Mount Buffalo, Australia


Lignotuber:  it has one, which is a good thing!  Mt. Buffalo will regenerate off the lignotuber if cut down by man, beast or nature.  It also produces many shoots from epicormic buds lying dormant beneath the bark higher up the tree; so Mt. Buffalo will respond extremely well to pollarding practices if required, and once large enough to tolerate it.

What is a lignotuber?  See our Blog post on the subject

 Meaning of the name:

‘pauciflora’ means impoverished flowering but this is not correct as the snow gums flower quite prolifically!


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