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(Excluding 50 litre pots and above or trees over 3.50m tall (inc the pot),

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Eucalyptus subcrenulata – Tasmanian Alpine Yellow Gum – 1 of our wonderful Swamp Gums


Eucalyptus subcrenulata has a valuable, rare combination of desirable attributes

  • Evergreen tree that will grow in a wet clay soil and enjoy it!
  • Looks at home in the British rural aesthetic.  It doesn’t look foreign
  • Train as a small standard for screening
  • Superb in containers as a bushy shrub or lollipop tree
  • Fragrant foliage
  • Great for cutting – popular for bouquets, garlands, wreaths
  • Fast growing but also manageable


Sizes quoted are approximate height bands of the tree above compost level, ie. height of tree once planted into the ground.
N.B. Photographs shown are typical representatives of the varieties we grow, Please contact us if you require a photograph of a particular tree.
Also, Eucalyptus are living plants and can grow almost all year round, occasionally we may supply you with a plant that is slightly taller than your order. If this might cause you problems, please include a note with your order.

Click the dropdown below to view our different sizes & prices.



Eucalyptus subcrenulata – Tasmanian Alpine Yellow Gum – 1 of our wonderful Swamp Gums

Not your typical idea of a Eucalyptus, with its beautiful glossy apple green leaves, but it’s definitely one of our favourites. Eucalyptus subcrenulata is a good all round variety, which can be used in many different ways.

  • A medium sized tree of moderate to fast growth rate. It grows into an attractive specimen tree for open space.
  • Excellent cut foliage all year round, especially Christmas Wreaths or just in a vase of flowers
  • Brilliant for topiary as a lollipop or shrub-on-a-stick
  • Great for soaking up water from wet clay soils in winter
  • Great specimen for a container. For more information on how to grow in a pot see our Guidance Notes here
  • Firewood and Biomass

For more information on the attributes of Eucalyptus subcrenulata hop over to the tab labelled ‘How to Use’


Shoots ‘n Leaves: Young shoots are crimson, bronze, then green.

Juvenile Foliage: Glossy deep apple green with red edges, deepening to dark apple green with time; the leaves are opposite, on square stems.

Adult foliage: Elongated, pendulous and a deep apple green.

Bark: Beautiful bark with ‘scroll-work’ type pattern. Peels in coffee coloured vertical strips.  When the bark sheds in July,  a golden liquid amber coloured under-bark is revealed before turning olive green/coffee again.  Looks very artistic after rain.

Flowers: White through to cream, in groups of 3. Our trees flower August onwards well into October – great for autumn foraging honey bees.

Leaf Aroma: Warm, strong and deliciously spicy when crushed.

Rate of Growth: E subcrenulata may take an extra year or so to get its ‘feet under the table’, but once established it can be quite fast growing. Medium to Fast at 1-1.5 m per year.

Height in maturity, if left unpruned:   after about 15-20 years, E subcrenulata could reach approximately 15 – 20m, although some specimens can attain a greater height under optimal conditions. Easy to keep smaller by regular pruning – March 18th and end of May.

If pruned, it can be trained to form a bushy screening tree, a lollipop standard or a multi-stemmed bush like a species rose or coppiced Hazel tree.  Responds well to coppicing and pollarding, when done at the right time of year. For more information on the best way to prune read our Guidance Notes here

Unless you are growing for cut foliage, please refrain from voluntarily electing to prune your Eucalyptus from August through to February; it can kill it.     To receive monthly pruning and aftercare advice, sign up to our Gumnut Club – its free and you can unsubscribe at any time.  To subscribe – just call or ping us an email to

Hardiness: Good hardiness rating, root-system should be happy down to around -14 to -16°C, once mature. Hardiness increases with age.

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