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Eucalyptus moorei – Little Sally – 1 of the most gorgeous short bushy trees


Eucalyptus moorei

Why we like this variety:-

  • A most beautiful small evergreen tree or multi-stemmed shrub of elegant habit
  • Excellent for small gardens
  • Looks comfortable in the UK landscape, being a soft sage green colour
  • Great in patio pots – delicious minty aroma
  • Amazing flowers – Excellent for bees

Sizes Quoted are the approximate height band of the tree above compost level, ie. the height of the tree once planted into the ground. Please note: Eucalyptus are living plants and can grow almost all year round, occasionally we may supply you with a plant that is slightly taller than your order. If this might cause you problems, please include a note with your order.

Click the dropdown below to view our different sizes & prices.



Eucalyptus moorei aka Little Sally or Narrow-leaved Sallee.

Sallee/Sally is a corruption of old English ‘sallow’, meaning willow

The most beautiful, small and slow (for a Eucalyptus) growing tree, often seen as a multi-stemmed tree (a true mallee species), but can be trained into a fine tree with a single trunk.

Eucalyptus moorei has a very elegant form, with a light airy canopy.

On the build up to flowering, the pale golden petioles and golden star-shaped flower clusters give the whole tree a most beautiful soft radiance. 😎

Good screening bushy multi-stemmed tree. Fantastic bark. Great for bees. Excellent in patio pots and terrace containers. Tolerates intermittently wet but draining soils.

Click here to read about ‘How to successfully grow a Eucalyptus in a container’

Highly recommended.  Read on for more information

Hop over to the ‘How to Use’ Tab to see how this species can be enjoyed or used in the landscape or garden – such as growing in a pot, as a bushy shrub, standard tree or for cut foliage etc.

The ‘Planting and Soil’ Tab advises on this Eucs preferred growing conditions – its likes and dislikes

A most useful feature of this tree species is its adaptability to tolerate cold, wet soils, which are intermittently flooded or slow to drain, like clays and poor sandy soils that are deficient in nutrients: would suit mound planting in wet ground.

Eucalyptus moorei’s absolute favourite conditions are coarse, gritting sandy soils in close proximity to, but sitting above swamps or boggy areas: but not all of us have a garden like this!

The Trivia Tab is just that!!

Biometrics for Eucalyptus moorei

Shoots ‘n Leaves: Young shoots round and green, very ornamental and elegant

Juvenile foliage: ovate to elliptical, about 3-4cm long and narrow with a fine point, in a blue-green /sage green colour, becoming glossy green and upright in habit

Adult foliage: golden petioles support long ‘willow like’, sickle shaped leaves about 3-9cm long; glossy green.

Bark:  Beautiful!  Smooth, tactile, silver with clotted cream striations, peeling off in strips of cinnamon and caramel to reveal fresh white bark beneath; often with hints of salmon-pink and olive green.

Flowers: golden flower buds open to white flowers in a star-like formation, in very large groups of 7 up to 15; giving a superb show. These are followed by the gumnuts – amazing clusters of up to 15 balls per group, which are held on the lower branches for another year – very attractive.

Leaf Aroma: typical Eucalyptus fragrance but with delicious minty over-tones 😋

Rate of Growth: fast growing for any other evergreen tree, slow growing for a Eucalyptus, about 4m in 8 years

Height in maturity, if left unpruned: Eucalyptus moorei may reach around 6-7 m as a tree form. We think it is great when grown as a pruned bush or multi-stemmed shrub/tree

Easy to keep smaller by regular pruning – March 18th and end of May.

Responds well to pollarding, when done at the right time of year.  Unless you are growing for cut foliage, please refrain from voluntarily electing to prune your Eucalyptus from August through to February; it can kill it.

To receive monthly pruning and aftercare advice, sign up to our Gumnut Club – its free and you can unsubscribe at any time.

To subscribe to the Gumnut Club – just call or ping us an email to [email protected]

Click here for further advice on pruning can be found in our Guidance Notes

Click here to visit our pruning video

Hardiness: Good hardiness rating, root-system should be happy down to around -8 to -12°C, once mature and established in a stress-free environment.

Hardiness in Eucalyptus is governed by

  • provenance of seed (all our seed is sourced from frosty or cold locations)
  • how it is grown (i.e. high nitrogen levels reduces cold tolerance),
  • the age of the tree – the older your tree, the hardier it will be. Younger Eucs are more susceptible to frost damage.
  • how long it has been planted in the ground. The deeper you can encourage the rooting by digging a deep planting pit at the time of installation, the quicker your tree will establish and you will increase its ability to survive cold winters. See our planting notes for more details.

Click here to see our Guidance Notes on how to increase the winter hardiness of your Eucalyptus, and keep it happy!

Additional information

Weight 4 kg
Dimensions 150 × 50 × 50 cm

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Planting Position and Soil

Eucalyptus moorei will grow in a wide range of garden soils ranging from very mildly alkaline through neutral to acidic and certainly ones which are nutrient poor.  Once established it will grow in normal to drier soils, but will need watering to become well established, whilst in its first year after planting.

Eucalyptus moorei does not tolerate seriously limestone soils.

The most useful feature of this tree species is its adaptability to tolerate cold, wet soils, which are intermittently flooded or slow to drain, like clays and poor sandy soils that are deficient in nutrients: would suit mound planting in wet ground.

Eucalyptus moorei’s absolute favourite conditions are coarse, gritting sandy soils in close proximity to, but sitting above swamps or boggy areas: but not all of us have a garden like this!

Make life easier for you and your new tree: Plant with the mycorrhizal fungi product Rootgrow.  Eucalyptus in particular have a special, lifelong relationship with their root fungi, the latter of which actively transport food and water directly into the tree roots, helping your new Euc establish faster and more efficiently, particularly in challenging types of soil.



  • Sun: Enjoys full sun and open aspect with uncluttered sky above. It will tolerate a short period of dappled shade during the day. Avoid shade cast by other tall trees and buildings for prolonged periods.
  • Soil type: happy in normal to free draining garden soils that are acidic, neutral and even mildly alkaline pH, but not limestone. In a garden setting, an annual supplement of Iron sequestrene in March will make it even happier and improve its depth of foliage colour.  Also give Iron sequestrene to Japanese Maples, Hydrangea, Magnolia and similar calcifuge plants.
  • Soil moisture levels: Tolerates intermittently poorly drained soil; but best not planted on soils that are permanently boggy .  Grows well on our horrible yellow swampy wet clay soil at Grafton Nursery.
  • Environment: Requires a degree of shelter from extreme weather and bighting cold winds– see ‘How to Use’ tab


  • If planting a large number for cut foliage, subsoiling will be a good practice to follow, especially if pastureland has previously been used by livestock.
  • For the best results, follow our planting and aftercare watering instructions, issued with every order; they can also be found under the Help and Advice tab on this website.

How to Use

How to use in the landscape and/or garden: How to grow or train it to get the best out of it

Beautiful small elegant multi-stemmed bushy tree with mallee (many stems) and upright habit, and a bit like an upright Callistemon. We think this multi-stemmed form is the best shape to cultivate this species.

Eucalyptus moorei can also be pruned to form a small tree. The elegant form of Eucalyptus moorei is most desirable and looks good in both traditional gardens and xerophytic landscapes.  Associates well with Eucalyptus stricta to maintain a low, evergreen canopy, planting group, but with variety of foliage interest.

Its light canopy allows for underplanting of a wide range of plant species.

Commercially: a good choice for open public spaces, parks, business parks, university campus where a large fragrant-foliage shrub would be appreciated. In our view, in large landscapes, they are best planted in groups of 3, 5 or 7. 

Growing a full-sized standard: planting the tree and running away is an option, but it won’t necessarily give you the best results.

We suggest you maintain a leading shoot and tip prune the lateral shoots to encourage bushiness.  Keep all the sides shoots as they are building up the strength of the main trunk.

  • For a small tree, tip prune the leader when it reaches 1.2m, thereafter let the head develop. Then prune the tree every March 18th and end of May to keep your tree small and bushy.

Click here for our guidance notes for pruning a specimen Eucalyptus

For monthly emails on how and when to prune and care for your Eucalyptus, sign up to our Gumnut Club and we’ll send you the Bush Telegraph – it’s totally free and you can unsubscribe at any time. Just ping us an email to [email protected]

Growing shrub-on-a-stick clipped standard: this is an opportunity to grow a Eucalyptus in a confined space like a courtyard and also control its overall size. You can produce a small tree on a trunk with a height of anywhere between 2.4m (8ft) and 4m (12ft). Prune back growth every March 18th or thereabouts and tip prune the annual growth back by up to 90% at the end of May. Light tip pruning can be done again during July, but no later. Don’t prune from August through to February.

Growing a multi-stemmed bush or tree.  Eucalyptus moorei responds well to pollarding and readily produces a multi-stemmed specimen, but only do this once it has attained a trunk of some 50 mm in diameter.

Q: Why would you want to do this?

A: To create:

  • a tree with more body or ‘mass’ of branches and foliage for screening purposes. Once grown back up to its full potential, it will now have several main trunks
  • an attractive multi-stemmed architectural tree, especially if it has exceptional bark
  • to control height, whereby your Euc can be usefully maintained anywhere between 1.5m (5ft) and 2.4m (8ft), but genetically it will want to grow taller if ignored.

REMEMBER: No grass, no weeds and a thick boring bark chip mulch, to a depth of 150 mm (6 inches) are essential to assist with good establishment. Our research trials have demonstrated that grass around the trunk of Eucalyptus prevent the trees from quickly establishing and can completely stop them from growing.

Pot Culture outdoors:  Eucalyptus moorei  is a great species for container growing. It can be successfully grown as a multi-stemmed shrub in a large container for several years provided you are prepared to pot on at the recommended intervals and to supply it with sufficient water and food during the growing season.   Prune out unwanted growth every spring.

Always keep pot-grown Eucalyptus in the air-pot container system for healthy and happy trees.😊  They do not thrive in smooth-walled containers ☹

Click here for information on how to successfully grow Eucs in pots, visit our Blog entitled ‘How to grow a Eucalyptus in a pot and keep it alive!’

Summer Patio then Winter Conservatory: in colder, northern counties UK, Eucalyptus moorei will benefit from being overwintered in a greenhouse type environment. Only return your Euc outdoors permanently overnight, once all fear of frosts has passed at the beginning of June.

 Floral Art:  Eucalyptus moorei is fabulous for cutting. It produces excellent, fragrant cut foliage for Flower Farmers and floral art

Firewood Production:  Eucalyptus moorei is not on our selected species list for Biomass or Firewood.

Do give us a call on our nursery mobile 01905 888098 if you would like to discuss with one of our consultants the growing firewood, biomass or lumber.


  • Green foliaged species, which looks comfortable and not ‘foreign’ in a rural setting – with willow-like foliage and gently swaying branches
  • Could be good for agroforestry, planted in chicken pens and areas where poultry roam


  • Eucalyptus moorei is good choice for apiculture, prolific flowers providing high quality pollen and nectar for foraging honey bees (as well as other beneficial insects). Could be planted in groups near swampy ground to provide cover and shelter for wildlife and establishing plant species, without dominating the landscape.
  • Habitat creation and Game Cover: this species lends itself to providing good trouble-free habitat creation for wildlife and game cover, when planted in groups.  Birds enjoy roosting in Eucalyptus trees and Pheasants like rootling around underneath them.
  • Chickens: The shredded foliage of Eucalyptus moorei is excellent at keeping Chicken nest boxes and hen houses free of red mites, which detest the presence of Eucalyptol. I used to line our Chicken boxes with shredded leaves, strew the floor and pile up the spindly branches for the chickens to make nests. It was all great till the foxes moved into the next field L


  • Growing on the Coast

We have no experience of growing Eucalyptus moorei in a coastal environment.  It is on record as a species which will tolerate light sea-spray, but not saline soil conditions.

I suspect it may do well in milder coastal districts, when grown a mile or two inland of the sea, but this needs trialling.  Do get in touch if you are giving this a go and let us know how you get on.

To make this work, we recommend that:

  1. you plant a smaller specimen (3 litre or 5 litre plant, around 1m-1.2m tall),
  2. encourage fast establishment in a deeply prepared planting pit (follow our planting advice), to encourage deep rooting to grow an upright, stable tree.
  3. Staking will be required.
  4. Newly planted trees will very likely require a wind break shelter for their first winter in the ground with you.
  5. Zero grass or weeds during the period of establishment is non-negotiable!
  • Tolerating wet soils Eucalyptus moorei is very at home in moist but draining soils, such as a draining clay, draining peaty/loamy soils and draining sandy loams.

It must be remembered that Eucalyptus are not aquatic like a Mangrove, but several species of swamp gum (click here to visit our collection of swamp gums) tolerate flooding for up to 6 months of the year in their native lands.

Eucalyptus moorei is a great species to deploy when you require an evergreen shrub for intermittently boggy ground which does drain.

  • Tolerant of poor stony soils once established Eucalyptus moorei does not require a rich soil and, being fairly drought tolerant, can survive in poor, stony soils.

Tolerant of arid environments, poor stony dry soils once established. It is essential that your Euc. is given our recommended quantity of water for its first 2 growing seasons in your grounds, during its establishment phase, and before you abandon it to its fate.  The tree needs to establish a good, deep root system before it can survive in dry, challenging conditions. No grass, no weeds and a thick bark chip mulch, to a depth of 150 mm (6 inches) are essential to assist with good establishment. Growth on impoverished soils will always be reduced.

Nursery Notes and Trivia

Botanical Name: Eucalyptus moorei                 MYRTACEÆ; Myrtle Family

Common Name: Narrow-leaved Sallee, Little Sallee (New South Wales)

Status: Evergreen Tree

Origin: To be seen inhabiting the rocky crags of several high mountain localities of New South Wales, including the Blue Mountains, the Budawang Ranges and further south on heathland, Australia

Lignotuber:  it has one, which is a good thing!  Eucalyptus moorei will regenerate off the lignotuber if cut down by man, beast or nature.  It also produces many shoots from epicormic buds lying dormant beneath the bark higher up the tree; so Eucalyptus moorei    will respond extremely well to both coppicing and pollarding practices, once large enough to tolerate it.

What is a lignotuber?  Click here for more information on the subject

 Meaning of the name: moorei: after the British botanist Charles Moore (1820–1905), who became Director of the Sydney Botanic Gardens 1848-1896

Interesting Notes:  

Sally : a corruption of the English term Sallow meaning Willow (botanical name Salix), because the tree resembles a graceful willow tree and grows in wet conditions

Nerdy fact for the Botanists:  Eucalyptus belong in ‘groups’.  e.g. gunnii group consists of 9 members

moorei subsp. moorei is a member of the Eucalyptus group Longitudinales, and is closely related to E. mitchelliana and E. stellulata.

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